Magnetization reversal in magnetic nanostripes via Bloch wall formation

in: Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter (2012)
Zeisberger, Matthias; Mattheis, Roland
We present results of micromagnetic simulations of the magnetization reversal in permalloy nanostripes with 5-10 nm thickness and 200-500 nm width under a longitudinal field of 0.4-16 kA/m. The data show four distinct field regions: the well known regions of uniform and oscillating domain wall movement as well as a process with multiple vortices, and finally, a new process including Bloch walls and the generation of vortex-antivortex pairs in the inner part of the stripe rather than at the edges. We investigate this process in detail and derive a criterion for the formation of Bloch walls.

DOI: Array

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