Expert Consortium Chemistry in the NFDI (National Research Data Infrastructure)
Runtime: 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2025
The vision of NFDI4Chem is to digitize all key steps in chemical research to help scientists collect, store, process, analyze, publish, and reuse research data. Actions to promote Open Science and Research Data Management (FDM) in accordance with the FAIR data principles are fundamental goals of NFDI4Chem to serve the chemistry community with a holistic approach to research data access. To this end, the overall goal is to develop and maintain a national research data infrastructure for the research field of chemistry in Germany to enable innovative and easy-to-use services and novel scientific approaches based on the reuse of research data. NFDI4Chem aims to represent all disciplines of chemistry in science.
This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)