HIQuP is dedicated to researching and demonstrating a highly scalable control and readout technology for superconducting quantum processor units and thus an essential enabling technology on the way to powerful quantum computers. In the joint project, methods such as frequency multiplexing, cryogenic semiconductor circuits, and digital superconducting electronics are combined with corresponding quantum circuits for the first time in order to demonstrate the high potential for scaling up the quantum computer.
Within the Leibniz-IPHT sub-project, circuit concepts for digital superconducting circuits and their integration with superconducting quantum bits are being investigated and developed. The tasks include circuit design, the development of adapted fabrication processes and design rules for the digital circuits operating at the required mK temperature range, as well as the experimental characterization and proof of functionality. In final demonstration experiments, the innovations developed by the partners in the network will be jointly integrated and their joint potential for applications evaluated at Leibniz-IPHT.

The HIQuP project is being funded by the BMBF under the grant number 13N15910 as part of the call for “Enabling Technologies for the Quantum Technologies” funded by the project sponsor VDI.