Studying physics at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena from 2003, I was one of the last fortunate students receiving a Diplom in 2008 before the bachelor’s and master’s degree were introduced in frame of the Bologna Process. For my diploma work I joined the quantum detection department at the Leibniz-IPHT and worked under the supervision of E. Il’ichev and P. Seidel on the topic “Ballistic readout of flux qubits”. My work included the theoretical analysis of the proposal, the creation of a suitable measurement setup for switching current measurements as well as the experimental investigation at mK temperatures.
After receiving my Diplom, I continued the work on the interesting field of superconducting quantum bits (qubits) with the focus changing towards circuit quantum electrodynamics and the topics single atom lasing and quantum metamaterials. Main part of my PHD has been the experimental and theoretical analysis of the interaction of microwave photons with flux qubits. In a one month scientific stay at the Novosibirsk State technical university in 2013 I worked with Y. Greenberg on the description of microwave dressed qubits and also realized that my Russian language skills need improvement. In 2016 I defended my thesis with the title “Single artificial atom lasing of a dressed flux qubit”.
After my PHD, I added a different quantum system, namely alkali vapor cells for quantum sensing, to my list of work topics. Studying a quantum object that can operate at room temperature and be controlled by laser radiation gave me more insights into general experimental methods used on quantum devices and motivated me to investigate possible ways to combine different quantum technologies.
My current work includes the topics:
- Single-microwave photon detection,
- Quantum hybrid systems,
- Design, simulation and experimental investigation of superconducting quantum circuits,
- Control- and readout circuits,
- Driven quantum systems (alkali vapors and superconducting quantum bits).
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAP-8142-2020
Orcid Id: 0000-0003-2002-1979