Terahertz conductivity mapping of thin films on smart textiles

in: Scientific Reports (2024)
Jäckel, Alexander; Hupfer, Maximilian L.; Castro-Camus, Enrique; Mittleman, Daniel M.; Schmidl, Gabriele; Gawlik, Annett; Plentz, Jonathan; Koch, Martin
Smart textiles that promise to become sensors and actuators for multiple applications are an active area of research. Conductive textiles formed by coating a fabric with a conductive film will play a key role in such applications. Here we present contactless mapping of the terahertz (THz) conductivity of thin conductive films deposited on textiles. These conductivity maps enable non-destructive assessment of the conductivity of such layers and therefore the identification and localization of non-uniformities in local conductivity. The THz measurements are quantitatively consistent with four-point probe measurements of the same areas.

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