Non-destructive depth reconstruction of Al-Al2Cu layer structure with nanometer resolution using extreme ultraviolet coherence tomography

in: Materials Characterization (2024)
Abel, Johann J.; Apell, Jonathan; Wiesner, Felix; Reinhard, Julius; Wünsche, Martin; Felde, Nadja; Schmidl, Gabriele; Plentz, Jonathan; Paulus, Gerhard G.; Lippmann, Stephanie; Fuchs, Silvio
Non-destructive cross-sectional characterization of materials systems with a resolution in the nanometer range and the ability to allow for time-resolved in-situ studies is of great importance in material science. Here, we present such a measurements method, extreme ultraviolet coherence tomography (XCT). The method is nondestructive during sample preparation as well as during the measurement, which is distinguished by a negligible thermal load as compared to electron microscopy methods. Laser-generated radiation in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft x-ray range is used for characterization. The measurement principle is interferometric and the signal evaluation is performed via an iterative Fourier analysis. The method is demonstrated on the metallic material system Al-Al2Cu and compared to electron and atomic force microscopy measurements. We also present advanced reconstruction methods for XCT, which even allow for the determination of the roughness of outer and inner interfaces.

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