Plasmonic Nanofabrication by Long-Range Excitation Transfer via DNA Nanowire

in: Nano Letters (2011)
Wirth, Janina; Garwe, Frank; Csáki, Andrea; Jahr, Norbert; Stranik, Ondrej; Paa, Wolfgang; Fritzsche, Wolfgang; Hähnel, Gerd
Driven by the demand for ongoing integration and increased complexity of today’s microelectronic circuits, smaller and smaller structures need to be fabricated with a high throughput. In contrast to serial nanofabrication techniques, based, e.g., on electron beam or scanning probe methods, optical methods allow a parallel approach and thus a high throughput. However, they rarely reach the desired resolution. One example is plasmon lithography, which is limited by the utilized plasmonic metal structures. Here we show a new approach extending plasmonic lithography with the potential for a highly parallel nanofabrication with a higher level of complexity based on nanoantenna effects combined with molecular nanowires. Thereby femtosecond laser pulse light is converted by Ag nanoparticles into a high plasmonic excitation guided along attached DNA structures. An underlying poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) layer acting as an electron-sensitive resist is so structured along the former DNA position. This apparently DNA-guided effect leads to nanometer grooves reaching even micrometers away from the excited nanoparticle, representing a novel effect of longrange excitation transfer along DNA nanowires.

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