The Bouguer-Beer-Lambert law: Shining light on the obscure

in: ChemPhysChem (2020)
Mayerhöfer, Thomas G.; Pahlow, Susanne; Popp, Jürgen
The Beer-Lambert law is unquestionably the most important law in optical spectroscopy and indispensable for the qualitative and quantitative interpretation of spectroscopic data. As such, every spectroscopist should know its limits and potential pitfalls, arising from its application, by heart. It is the goal of this work to review these limits and pitfalls, as well as to provide solutions and explanations to guide the reader. This guidance will allow a deeper understanding of spectral features, which cannot be explained by the Beer-Lambert law, because they arise from electromagnetic effects/the wave nature of light. Those features include band shifts and intensity changes based exclusively upon optical conditions, i.e. the method chosen to record the spectra, the substrate and the form of the sample. As such, the review will be an essential tool towards a full understanding of optical spectra and their quantitative interpretation based not only on oscillator positions, but also on their strengths and damping constants.

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