Comparison of bacteria in different metabolic states by micro-Raman spectroscopy

in: Journal of Molecular Structure (2023)
Shen, Haodong; Rösch, Petra; Thieme, Lara; Pletz, Matthias; Popp, Jürgen
It was shown that several metabolic states of bacteria with various characteristics such as chemical composition participate in the formation of biofilms. To study the connections and differences among different bacterial metabolic states, five species of bacteria in exponential phase, stationary phase and biofilm have been compared and investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopy. The spectral differences be- tween different metabolic states showed that the chemical composition varied among those metabolic states. Moreover, as can be shown by the spectral differences and principal components (PCs), differ- ent species and strains of bacteria behave differently. Furthermore, a principal component analysis (PCA) combined with support vector machines (SVM) was applied to distinguish species of bacteria within the same metabolic states. Our study provides valuable data for the comparison of bacteria between different metabolic states utilizing micro-Raman spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics models.

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