Mechanism of Plasmon-Induced Catalysis of Thiolates and the Impact of Reaction Conditions

in: Journal of the American Chemical Society (2024)
Yao, Xiaobin; Ehtesabi, Sadaf; Höppener, Christiane; Deckert-Gaudig, Tanja; Schneidewind, Henrik; Kupfer, Stephan; Gräfe, Stefanie; Deckert, Volker
The conversion of the thiols4-aminothiophenol(ATP)and 4-nitro-thiophenol(NTP)can be considered as one of the standard reactions of plasmon-induced catalysis and thus has already been the subject of numerous studies. Currently, two reaction pathways are discussed: one describes a dimerization of the starting material yielding 4,4′-dimercaptoazobenzene(DMAB), while in the second pathway, it is proposed that NTP is reduced to ATP in HCl solution. In this combined experimental and theoretical study, we disentangled the involved plasmon-mediated reaction mechanisms by carefully controlling the reaction conditions in acidic solutions and vapor. Motivated by the different surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra of NTP/ATP samples and band shifts in acidic solution, which are generally attributed to water, additional experiments under pure gaseous conditions were performed. Under such acidic vapor conditions, the Raman data strongly suggest the formation of a hit her to not experimentally identified stable compound. Computational modeling of the plasmonic hybrid systems, i.e., regarding the wavelength-dependent character of the involved electronic transitions of the detected key intermediates in both reaction pathways, confirmed the experimental finding of the new compound, namely, 4-nitrosothiophenol (TP*). Tracking the reaction dynamics via time-dependent SERS measurements allowed us to establish the link between the dimer-and monomer-based pathways and to suggest possible reaction routes under different environmental conditions. Thereby, insight at the molecular level was provided with respect to the thermodynamics of the underlying reaction mechanism, complementing the spectroscopic results.

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